Lista de verificación de lanzamiento - Android

Estos son los pasos necesarios para que tu aplicación con tecnología masiva cumpla con los requisitos y esté lista para su lanzamiento


Determina qué función, contenido o servicio premium vas a monetizar con Massive y qué ofrecer a los usuarios de tu aplicación.


Create a developer account to access the Massive SDK (you can contact us if you’re not approved within a few days).


Consulte nuestra documentación, código de ejemplo y aplicaciones de muestra para integrar el SDK en tu aplicación.


Agregue un cuadro de diálogo de suscripción con este contenido a su aplicación, enlazando a nuestras preguntas frecuentes, licencia, y política de privacidad (o el tuyo después de incluir el nuestro):

To remove ads and get free content, please let Massive use a small amount of your device's free resources and IP address to download public web data from the internet.

This supports the development of Application and helps us to improve our services.
No personal information is collected except your IP address.

Your participation is optional, and you may opt out anytime by accessing Settings (see Massive's FAQ for details).

Pressing Accept indicates that you agree to Massive's license and privacy policy.

You can opt out at any time after opting in.



Añada este texto a sus condiciones de servicio y añada un enlace a nuestras preguntas frecuentes:

[Insert your app name] lets you [describe your premium offering] in exchange for a small amount of your bandwidth managed by our software partner Massive. You can monitor and control this resource use anytime by choosing Resource usage from the application menu.

Your idle computing resources such as Network bandwidth are used to perform business intelligence research, run scientific simulations, or download public web data. (see Massive’s FAQ for details, potential risks, and their mitigation).

[Insert your app name] should not be silently installed, without displaying installation details and options. The app supports silent installation only to apply timely feature upgrades, bug fixes, and other improvements after you have initially installed [insert your app name] and viewed the provided installation dialogs.


Póngase en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta.